
Just For Fun: 12 Famous Montessori Students

Famous Montessori alumni include:

1. Prince George

- Prince William and Princess Kate chose a Montessori Education for Prince George because they wanted an atmosphere that puts an emphasis on a child’s independence, freedom and social development. They wanted Prince George to be a part of a mixed age classroom in hopes that he will learn from his older peers while having the ability to choose lessons that peak his interest.

2. Jeff Bezos - Creator of Amazon

- Although he only attended in a local Montessori preschool, similar to SensorStory, he is quoted as believing it really has influenced him and his life. There are interviews on YouTube you can search for, or check out this interview with Jeff Bezos and Montessori Life magazine.

3. George Clooney

4. (twice) Larry Page and Sergei Brin – founders of Google

- Larrry Page said "We both went to Montessori school, and I think it was part of that training ... of being self-motivated, questioning what’s going on in the world, doing things a little bit different"

- Sergei Brin said: "I benefited from Montessori education, which in some ways gives the students a lot more freedom to do things at their own pace, to discover… Some of the credit for the willingness to go on your own interests, you can tie that back to that Montessori education"

The former Vice-president of Google Company explained: "You can’t understand Google unless you know that both Larry and Sergey were Montessori kids. ... In Montessori school you go paint because you have something to express or you just want to do it that afternoon, not because the teacher said so. This is really baked into how Larry and Sergey approach problems. They’re always asking ‘Why should it be like that?’"

5. Stephen Curry – NBA player

- As well as attending a Montessori school, Stephen's mother was a Montessori teacher. You can watch an interview with the Curry family and the American Montessori Society, where they discuss how Montessori has shaped them.

6. Prince's William and Harry

- in fact Princess Diana, was an assistant in a Montessori school before marrying Prince Charles.

7. Taylor Swift

8. Beyonce knowles

9. Anthony Doer - Author

- Anthony said about his Montessori education "Of all the skills nine years of Montessori education gave me critical thinking skills, social skills, kickball skills the most lasting has been a sense of my place in deep geologic time. We were making twenty-foot-long timelines as early as first grade. I could spell Paleozoic before I could spell Coca-Cola.”

10. David Blaine - Magician

11. Woodrow Wilson - former President of the United States

- The former president had a Montessori classroom installed in the basement of the White House during his term of office for staff to send their children to and his daughter subsequently trained as a Montessori teacher.

12. Bill Gates - founder of Microsoft

Advocate: Alexander Graham Bell

- Alexander and his wife provided financial support directly to Dr. Maria Montessori and helped establish the first Montessori class in Canada and one of the first in the United States.

What do those famous Montessori students have in common?

Montessorians appear to be individuals driven by passion and dedication, tirelessly pursuing their dreams with a clear focus on their objectives. They demonstrate a commitment to hard work, constantly striving to innovate and create contributions that bring value to our society in various ways.