Why we love Multi-sensory stories

Part of the purpose of a sensory story is to build a sense of anticipation as little ones become familiar with each aspect. A multi-sensory story is one that serves to activate each of the five senses to encourage engagement in a range of learning situations. These range from simple engagement to knowledge recall, memory, communication, vocabulary development, math skills, social skills, literacy, movement & so on. Each has a different purpose. This may be to calm, share experiences, purely to encourage joint attention, focus or interaction.

Repeat, repeat, repeat! Be ready to hear & tell the same story several times. Repetition is fundamental in helping little ones learn, to build anticipation & familiarity. While offering a brand new class each week in a parent-child class environment is perhaps more engaging for the grown-ups (how many of us really love repetition??), this doesn’t necessarily keep the babies in mind & doesn’t facilitate the children’s learning or fulfil their deep-rooted need for order.

As well as aligning with the Montessori method – below we detail some of the benefits of multi-sensory stories in the context of EYFS:

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