
Benefits of music at playtime

Music & dance offers wonderful benefits for both you & your tiny. Research shows us that clapping & rhyming games as well as repetitive songs not only introduce your little one to rhythms & patterns of speech, they can actually contribute to cognitive & motor development. It helps the body & mind to work together. Exposing children to music during early development helps them to practice self-expression as well as strengthen memory skills & bonding. Although, it is hard not to think that those giggles & smiles aren’t just the best benefits of all!

Here’s the lyrics to some of our favourite playtime songs, developed by SensorStory for you & your little one:

Name: The Lemur went over the mountain

Repetition: Repetition forms the basis of skill development. Repeating rhymes are building your baby’s brain synapses – each time you repeat a rhyme, their brain is building new neural pathways.

The lemur went over the mountain lyrics

Name: Clap your hands

Movement: Action songs help develop your little ones’ fine & gross motor skills, will help to improve focus as it necessitates following directions & they will feel a huge sense of satisfaction once they begin to remember & follow along with the steps – helping to build confidence & self-esteem.

Name: My baby loves to dance

Dancing: This type of action song encourages exploration of movement to the rhythm, mood & feel of the music – dancing with your little one will help to strengthen bonding, social interaction & offers another opportunity for you to soak up all the love all the giggles & wonder!

Name: Head, shoulders, knees & toes

Interactive (parts of the body): Interactive songs, especially ones that follow parts of the body, help your little one to coordinate & control their bodies as the movement helps them develop spatial awareness – singing along together to this one will increase hand-eye coordination, increase language skills & build body awareness.

Name: You are my world

Lullaby: Research shows us that lullabies not only help our little ones to drift off to sleep, but they also stimulate language & cognitive development, as well as strengthen the emotional bond between you both. Lullaby’s offer a sense of soothing – singing a lullaby to your little one satisfies your baby’s need for closeness, offers them a sense of presence, & safety. The warm cuddles & soft touch are a beautiful bonus for us too while offering many wonderful sensory elements for your tiny!

Head on over to your preferred music streaming service to check out our full collection of music; YouTube player,
Apple music,
Spotify streaming service, or
Amazon music.

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